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About Me

I hustled myself into exhaustion, seeking worthiness and enoughness through my achievements which never filled the void within. I fast-tracked my way into the military to become an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. While in residency, I realized the path I had paved for myself was not sustainable for my wellbeing - but who was I without my career? I felt trapped and unable to quit - while also unable to stay. Ultimately, I risked my career to save my life, and coaching helped me to get back into the driver's seat of my life to create a life true to myself. Now, I live it to give it, and help others to create a fulfilling life true to themselves, grounded in self-compassion, unwavering worthiness and knowing that they are "enough" independent of their achievements. 

My Background 


- The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

             Research Fellow in Radiation Oncology '21-Present

- Atrium Health's Carolinas Medical Center Oral Medicine '19

- The University of North Carolina School of Medicine '17​

- Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine '13



- Martha Beck Wayfinder Life Coach

- Professional Leadership Coach - CoachRICE

(Rice University in affiliation with MD Anderson) 

- Chief Wellness Officer (Institute for Physician Wellness)


Military Experience

- Air Force Captain (O-3)  2013-2017 (Honorable discharge)



- Career transitions 

- Life transitions 

- Sustainable wellness

- Career fulfillment 

- Reduce people pleasing, increase boundaries 

- Improve self-compassion, reduce self-criticism

- Leadership development 

- Military transitions 

- Navigating academia 


Coaching Experience

- I've been coaching at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and externally since Sept. 2021

- Adjunct Faculty in the Leadership Institute at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Institution 

Dr. Jillian Rigert sitting on a wooden fence looking out into a forested area with water

Who I Help

High achievers who are seeking to create a life in alignment with their true selves and free themselves from societal expectations that lead us astray.

How I Do It

I partner with clients to help them discover or rediscover who they are, what they want in life, and what it's time to let go of on their journey to living a fulfilling life.

Invest in You

The hardest step of coaching is often making the decision to invest in you (been there!). What beliefs are getting in the way? Where do these messages originate? 


Reach out and let's explore together. 

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